Domain Names

Nowadays, businesses are more or less obliged to have an online presence, whether they trade in physical or digital goods. Domain names, which identify a business’ website address, have become important business identifiers in their own right because customers use them to find and review businesses and products on the Internet. Companies should therefore give careful attention to their online presence and domain name.
Our services encompass a variety of activities aimed at protecting, managing, and resolving disputes concerning domain names.

What we offer

Domain Name Disputes and Litigation:

– Handling disputes related to domain names, such as cybersquatting or unauthorized use.
– Filing complaints under the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) designed by WIPO to address the bad faith registration and use of domain names
– Resolving disputes related to domain names that may involve infringement or unfair competition

– Initiating legal action in court to resolve domain name disputes

Domain Name Transactions for the sale, purchase, or transfer of domain names
Trademark and Domain Name Coexistence
Domain Name Infringement Litigation

– Pursuing legal action against parties using domain names that infringe on trademarks or other intellectual property rights

Cybersquatting Protection

– Pursuing legal action against parties using domain names that infringe on trademarks or other intellectual property rights

Privacy and WHOIS Compliance

– Advising on compliance with privacy regulations and managing WHOIS data to protect personal information associated with domain registrations.

Domain Name Portfolio Management